It's amazing how unlovable I am and how that doesn't stop God from pouring out more love than anyone can imagine. I think the reason this is hard to understand is because I'm used to a love that fails--all human love fails at some point, and to some degree. It's confusing when I try to understand a love that isn't failing--that can't fail. Human love waves. When a person is good, they're loved more... When they're not so good, the love might go down. God's love is unconditional in that it never fluctuates. It is always the highest form of love possible.
Unconditional love is quite amazing. I'm not saying that humans are incapable of unconditional love. God's level, however, of unconditional love is infinitely (because He is infinite) greater than our form. Our form of "unconditional love" still fluctuates (even if only to grow better.) God's form is always the best. When I am at my lowest point, His perfect love for me is the same as it was when I was at my highest point.
I'm so used to the shallow love of human kind and, because of this, it is often the way that I choose to love God. I'm imperfect so this may be the only way I can consistently love God (which is the reason that God had to die for me.) However, I'm still filled with this longing to love God on a higher lever--a truer level (this longing is what makes a person a God-follower, I believe.)
...and everything You hold in Your hands, still You make time for me, I can't understand... So I praise You God of earth and sky, how beautiful is Your unfailing love...