There is nothing else I can live for

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."
(Matthew 13:44, ESV.)

Does that accurately describe your relationship with the Lord? Do you just say, "Whatever, Lord. I've seen this treasure, so take everything, I don't care anymore. Here, take it all, because I can have YOU!"

Notice the man didn't go sell all he had and then walk past an electronics store and see a nice plasma television and think to himself, "Hmm, that's pretty nice. Actually, I think that's greater than the treasure I just saw. I'll get this instead." No! There was no weighing, no deleberating, and no sadness in the face of complete sacrifice—because, the man realized he was "sacrificing" nothing! It was clear. It was obvious. Anything or anyone else compared to this Treasure is a joke! Do you live like that? Do you live like nothing else matters compared to this treasure you've seen? If you don't, maybe you need to consider if you've actually seen the treasure and all it's great worth. Because, once you see the treasure, there is no way you can leave and live a normal life.

It's important to note that this is not just a response for the overly "spiritual" or "godly" people in the church as we might be inclined to believe. This is the standard for a response to the treasure (Matthew 16:24.) This should flow as naturally as would an answer to the question, "Hey, do you want me to give you a billion dollars?" Would you have to think about that? Would you have to weigh that? Would you have to consider if you wanted to trade all you had to get that billion dollars? No, because you see it's worth. Imagine a treasure of far greater worth—one that would make you look billions of dollars in the face and say, "Whatever... Keep it. I don't even care. I can have God!"

A radical treasure calls for a radical response.


  1. Great post. Challenging, but needful. Cultivating a sense of wonder, awe and joy in the treasure of receiving God's kingdom is a constant battle against the native desires of my heart, but when the reality of God-in-Christ breaks through, in prayer or worship or freedom from sin, it is truly wonderful.

  2. Awesome post Nate! Very true.... very true!
