"A good song is ringing in my head..."

Article 3 – A Piece of Dust
By Nate Hanson

An exceprt from a blog post. This is a quote of a quote.

"Wow... Just imagine... Just imagine, for a moment that, that one little star up there is our universe... And you zoom in on that and you have the Milky Way... And you zoom in after that and you have the Sun... And you zoom in from there and you have Earth... And then, [laughing] you zoom in again and you have a little piece of dust that is you. And God is looking down on you..."

I love the word pictures that are painted here. We have gone zooming through the entire universe and it's galaxies and we come upon a small, insignificant piece of dust. God doesn't have to use us! We are not a "help" to God. We must get out of our world for a moment and see that we are not as skilled and as wise as we think. As is painted in this excerpt; we are nothing compared to the vast universe and galaxies that God has created. These wonders are a picture of how great and powerful our God is.

And He has chosen us to tell others about Him, to live our lives daily preaching the Good News through our actions! This is a privilege! The God who created the universe and has planned everyone's lives, who designed stars who's light shall never reach the earth has asked you to tell others about Him. What an amazing privilege!

But, unfortunately we don't usually consider it as so. Countless hours we waste away doing things that may not be directly evil, but aren't going to build the kingdom. We only have a certain amount of hours here on Earth, this amount is not known. We must live every day as if it were our last. This sounds so cliché to us after hearing it so much, but it doesn't change the truth. We can pass it off as something we hear way too often, or we can begin to live our life as if it is true.

The God who has created the universe has asked you to live a life of service to Him; living a life that tells everyone about Him. When you picture yourself as a piece of dust in relation to the infinite God, it's impossible to not live for Him.

[lfe] live for eternity
